Our Story

We are here to make you Master the IELTS exam effortlessly through active participation and student collaboration, making your dream of studying abroad a reality.


My accomplishments are evident and, thus, I see no need to continuously highlight them.

If we’re meeting for the first time, let me give you a bit of background about myself. I’m a regular guy from a middle-class family who, through consistent hard work, managed to secure the respected Erasmus scholarship. At present, I’m utilizing my abilities as a Research Assistant in Germany.

In 2018, after receiving the scholarship, I decided it would be beneficial to share the knowledge and experience I’d amassed with others who are aiming to study abroad. With this goal in mind, I started a Facebook page to create a space for shared learning and community interaction. I’m pleased to share that the community now has over 1.5 million members and is still growing.

Since starting this venture in 2018, I’ve had the opportunity to assist over 10k students. I’ve helped them navigate various stages of their journey, such as preparing evaluations, practicing spoken English, and providing mentorship for the IELTS exams. I’ve also guided them through the scholarship application process, handled visa paperwork, offered interview advice, and even assisted in crafting Letters of Motivation, improving cover letters, and enhancing resumes.

Mission & Vision

Our mission is to empower students from all backgrounds to achieve their dreams of studying abroad by providing comprehensive support, guidance, and resources. We believe that access to international education should not be limited by financial or social barriers, and we strive to level the playing field for aspiring students. Whether you’re a regular guy from a middle-class family or someone aiming to broaden your horizons, we are here to assist you on your journey.

Things that make us proud

Here are the following thins that we are proud of 

Expert Guidance

Our course, guided by experienced professionals with firsthand knowledge, provides accurate and up-to-date information and guidance for students throughout their study abroad journey.

Personalized Approach

Our tailored approach includes personalized feedback and support to cater to each student's unique needs, enabling maximum progress.

Comprehensive Study Materials

Our comprehensive study materials cover all sections of the IELTS exam, equipping students with the skills and confidence to excel.

Practice and Mock Tests

To help students familiarize themselves with the IELTS exam format, we offer ample practice exercises and full-length mock tests. These simulated exams provide an authentic testing experience and help students gauge their readiness for the actual test.

Interactive Learning

Our interactive course utilizes engaging exercises, quizzes, and real-life scenarios to promote active participation, comprehension, and an enjoyable learning experience.

Holistic Approach

Our course goes beyond just test preparation. We equip students with essential skills such as critical thinking, time management, and effective communication, which are valuable not only for the IELTS exam but also for their academic and professional pursuits.

Community Support

Being part of our course grants students access to a supportive community of like-minded individuals. They can connect with fellow students, share experiences, seek advice, and find motivation in a collaborative environment, further enhancing their study abroad journey.

Positive Impact

By helping students succeed in the IELTS exam and achieve their study abroad goals, we make a positive impact on their lives. We take pride in being a catalyst for their personal and academic growth, opening doors to new opportunities and empowering them to reach their full potential.

Our Team

Usama Rahman Ch

Founder & Owner

Shiraz Hameed


Talha Arshad

Content Writer

Asjad Mehar

Tutor & Support Team Head